Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut
Preussischer Kulturbesitz

Three gables

Ibero-American Institute (IAI) of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation

249 ring-binders, 55 folders, 22 leaflets, 19 cases, 8 folders, 7 card boxes, 7 guest books, 32 stamps

  • documents on the foundation of the institute
  • institute brochures
  • documentation relating to IAI publications from 1930 to 1945 (“Ensayos y Estudios” and press reaction to this publication; “Länder und Völker”; “Ejército, Marina, Aviación”; “El Observador del Reich”; Ibero-American Archive, commemorative publication 1942)
  • documents on the period from 1930 to 1945 (e.g. “Latein-Amerikanische Musikvereinigung” – Latin American Music Society; “Deutsch-Spanische Gesellschaft” – German-Spanish Association; “Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland” – Association for German Culture Abroad; visits from abroad; “Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Ibero-Amerikanischen Institute” – Working Group of the Ibero-American Institute; newspaper clippings on relations between Germany and Latin America during the period of the Third Reich; “Ausländische Besucher” 1936-1942 – “foreign visitors” 1936-1942; newspaper clippings on Venezuela 1930-1936; documents on the exhibition “Von Feuerland bis Mexiko” – From the Tierra del Fuego to Mexico – at the IAI in 1934)
  • the “Behaim-Globus” project
  • essays on the IAI by Bock and Hagen
  • correspondence of former research department staff (Kutscher, Mönnich, Riese, 1965-1984)
  • correspondence relating to the Ibero-American Archive (correspondence with authors 1974-1991, submitted manuscripts)
  • IAI Christmas cards
  • “Nachrichten aus der spanischen und portugiesischen Presse” (1942-1944)
  • personnel files 1929-1939
  • various documents on the library up until 1980
  • old institute stamps
  • official documents
  • medals
  • event programs

The majority of administrative documents, including materials on the history of the foundation of the Ibero-American Institute, are now stored in the Prussian Privy State Archives of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation (Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz – GStA).

Keywords: history of the IAI

2021 || Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut Preussischer Kulturbesitz