Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut
Preussischer Kulturbesitz

Three gables

Schulz-Kampfhenkel, Otto (1910-1989)

Geographer, explorer, writer and filmmaker. Led the “German Amazon-Jary Expedition” in Brazil on behalf of the Nazi Ministry for Propaganda from 1935 to 1937. This resulted in a film for Ufa studios, an exhibition and a book, all entitled “Rätzel der Urwaldhölle” (The Riddle of Hell's Jungle).

• 2 collector's albums containing pasted-in documents and a folder (photos, letters, newspaper clippings, special prints, playbills) containing documents on a trip along the Amazon. Albums and a folder with 33 glass-plate negatives. Historical reproduction negatives of indigenous peoples (Karajá, Tapirapé, Kayapó) and ethnological artefacts from Brazil.

Provenance: donated by Berlin Geographical Society.
Keywords: Brazil, ethnology, history of film

2021 || Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut Preussischer Kulturbesitz